Rescued Dog with Short Chain Rests Her Head for the First Time: A Heartwarming Transformation

Some individuals treat their dogs like family, but unfortunately, others subject these innocent creatures to cruel and inhumane conditions. This was the case for Cala, the guard dog of a mechanic in San Jose, Costa Rica. Her owner kept her chained up on a short chain that prevented her from resting her head and made it difficult for her to breathe. When Cala fell ill, her owner refused to take her to the vet and rarely fed her. Thankfully, concerned neighbors noticed the poor conditions she was living in and contacted the police and the animal shelter Territorio de Zaguates. After being rescued, Cala needed treatment for malnutrition, emaciation, and wounds.

Lya Battle, the founder of Territorio de Zaguates, described Cala’s initial state as pitiful, with no dignity left and ready to give up. The healing process was slow and painful, with the humans around her causing additional pain while treating her wounds. Unfortunately, even after her rescue, Cala experienced further abuse. In June, someone attempted to poison some of the dogs at the sanctuary, resulting in the death of 16 dogs. Despite suffering from neurological problems, Cala managed to survive.

Today, Cala is living with a foster family and has learned to get along with humans and other dogs. After years of neglect and torture, she gets to experience love, happiness, and affection. Territorio de Zaguates rescues and shelters numerous dogs in Costa Rica without homes. They ensure that these dogs receive love and socialization with people and families. The rescue of Cala was a battle between good and evil, with love ultimately prevailing.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The police and dog shelter Territorio de Zaguates were informed by the locals about the cruel situation. The credit for the image goes to Territorio de Zaguates.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Territorio de Zaguates deserves credit for the image.
Upon her rescue, Cala was in an extremely emaciated condition that rendered her incapable of standing. Additionally, she bore numerous wounds and cuts due to being restrained with chains.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The credit for the image goes to Territorio de Zaguates. If Cala wasn’t discovered on time, she would have lost her life due to her deteriorating health condition.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Taking care of the little pup and nursing it back to good health was a challenging and time-consuming task. It required a lot of effort and patience, and the process was not easy or painless for either of us.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Not only was she experiencing discomfort, but she also had serious trust issues when it came to interacting with both dogs and humans. This made it difficult for her to feel comfortable in social situations.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The rescue team showed their determination to help a helpless creature despite the odds. This incident was captured on camera by Territorio de Zaguates, a renowned animal welfare organization.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Territorio de Zaguates deserves the credits for the image. The picture portrays Cala, who is looking much better after receiving treatment for a couple of days.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Despite being rescued, Cala had to face the harsh reality that people can still be cruel. This unfortunate truth was brought to light once again, even after her distressing experience.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

In the month of June, a group of individuals trespassed into the sanctuary with the intention of harming the dogs by feeding them sausages that were contaminated. This deplorable act was carried out by some mean-spirited individuals who had no concern for the safety and well-being of these innocent animals, who were being taken care of in the sanctuary.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Unfortunately, sixteen canines lost their lives in the incident, but fortunately, Cala was able to pull through despite experiencing some temporary neurological issues. The photo credits belong to Territorio de Zaguates.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

According to Lya Battle, the creator of Territorio de Zaguates, her survival was attributed to her tough and resilient nature, as well as her size.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

According to Battle, Cala is currently enjoying her life to the fullest in a new environment. She seems content, confident, and independent with a touch of stubbornness. Her foster family loves and spoils her dearly.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The story of this particular dog has a positive outcome, but it still managed to anger many people due to the reported abuse it had suffered in the past.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

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