Introducing the Cute Feline With Twin Nostrils and Dual Mouths Who Discovered the Ideal Abode with a Vet!

As Ralph Tran was relocating from New York to California, he received a call from an animal rescue on July 14, 2019. The rescue informed him about a newborn kitten in Colorado that required immediate assistance. Ralph had expertise in taking care of neonatal kittens for many years, which made him a suitable candidate for the rescue to contact.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

Ralph found out that the adorable kitten he came across was only a few hours old and had been given up for adoption after her natural mother rejected her. He also discovered that the kitten had diprosopus, an uncommon congenital condition that results from excessive sonic hedgehog protein during fetal development. According to Ralph, this protein is responsible for the formation of facial features in the womb, but in cases of diprosopus, the body and limbs develop typically while facial features are duplicated.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

Ralph, who has three visually-impaired feline companions and is skilled in caring for special needs cats, eagerly took on the responsibility of caring for a newborn kitten in need. Duo, a black kitten with two faces, was only three hours old when Ralph picked her up from the rescue. He was determined to do everything in his power to ensure her survival, hence why he gave her the name Duo, symbolizing her unique appearance.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

As a young kitten, Duo needed to be fed every couple of hours. But unfortunately, she had difficulty latching onto a bottle for nourishment, due to her special needs. Fortunately, Ralph was dedicated to providing the best possible care for Duo and decided to feed her by inserting a tube directly into her esophagus.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

Ralph expressed his initial doubts about Duo’s survival, but thanks to tube feeding, the cat was able to gain weight and grow. For the first three months, Duo received tube feeding every two to three hours around the clock.

Ralph, a dedicated veterinarian, maintained a demanding routine to ensure that Duo, a unique cat, could eat on her own. His commitment was unwavering, even as he worked full-time. Nevertheless, Duo’s independent eating habit led to frequent infections because she kept getting food in her middle eyes.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

@duotwofacedcat on Instagram shared a photo of their cat Duo who had to undergo surgery on March 11, 2020. The surgery was performed to permanently treat the issue of non-functional eyes which were causing recurrent discomfort and infection for the feline. Ralph provided this explanation about the procedure.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

Duo, the adorable cat in the Instagram picture by @duotwofacedcat, underwent surgery while being under anesthesia. The procedure involved getting spayed and treating entropion, which is a condition that affects the outer eyes and is present since birth. Entropion causes the eyelids to roll inward, leading to eyelashes rubbing against the eye’s surface. This condition causes discomfort as the eyelid hairs keep scratching the eyeball, as per Ralph.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

Thanks to the assistance of Ralph, Duo has been able to recuperate from her surgeries and is now living a pain-free life. Her condition has considerably improved, and she appears to be happier than ever before. According to Ralph, “Duo has been doing fantastic since the surgery.” Her coordination has significantly improved, and she can open both her outer eyes fully.

Despite Duo’s success, diprosopus is a condition that is not well-known due to its rarity. Many people confuse it with conjoined twins, who are identical twins that are joined together in the womb. However, according to Ralph, this is a misconception as conjoined twins can have various types of fusions resulting in different physical appearances. Diprosopus, on the other hand, occurs due to an excess of protein during embryonic development, leading to duplicated facial features.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

Duo, the adorable feline, was born with an extra nose, mouth, and eyes, which is a rare genetic condition called diprosopus. Many people wonder if she has two brains, but the answer is no. Ralph, her owner, believes that Duo and other special needs animals can have happy and healthy lives. Despite her unique appearance, Duo is an active and joyful cat. Ralph thinks that animals do not focus on their problems, but instead, they adjust to their situations and make the best of it. Special needs animals are capable of living fulfilling lives just like any other animal.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

The Instagram account @duotwofacedcat showcases an extraordinary feline named Duo, who appears to be unaware of her uniqueness. Due to the exceptional care and attention given to her since birth, Duo leads a perfectly normal life. Ralph, Duo’s owner, confirms that she plays with his other cats, purrs, grooms herself, and even gets irritable and hisses when her nails are trimmed. Despite her unusual appearance, Duo is still just like any other ordinary cat.

Aside from being playful, Duo, who used to have difficulty eating, has a strong fondness for food. Ralph believes that meal times are the most beloved moments of this beautiful dog’s life. Whenever Ralph opens a can of food, Duo instantly recognizes the sound and rushes to her food bowl, excitedly waiting for her meal to be served. She even runs in circles while eagerly anticipating the arrival of her food.

When Ralph first encountered Duo in July 2019, the little pup was merely a few hours old and he was uncertain if she would even survive the night. Nevertheless, he resolved to do everything within his power to save her life, and after close to nine months, Duo is now flourishing. Although Ralph played a pivotal role in keeping Duo alive, he insists that he cannot claim full credit for her survival. According to him, Duo has managed to overcome significant obstacles and has exhibited remarkable resilience. Ralph acknowledges that the pup has taught him a valuable lesson – that every animal deserves a fighting chance.

black two-faced cat with diprosopus

If you’re interested in knowing more about this stunning feline, be sure to check out Duo’s Instagram account at @duotwofacedcat.

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